"Chat started at 1:59 PM
J - Quantum tech
Thank you for contacting the Quantum Fiber Customer Success team, how may I help you today?
new install not working
need public ip address not private
I understand that you are having issues with your internet connection right now. Don’t worry, I’ll do my best to help you with this.
JThank you for verifying your account. Let me check your account real quick and see what's going on.
Thank you for verifying your account. Let me check your account real quick and see what's going on.
2:01 PM
Kindly please stay on the line. I'm still checking on your account. Thank you.
2:02 PM
Thank you for patiently waiting.
2:03 PM
As I checked on your account, it is on pending activation.
Please kindly wait for our technician to finished the report of your installation.
For now, would there be anything else?
what does pending activation mean?
2:04 PM
It is our terminology.
Please kindly wait for our technician to finished the report of your installation.
And have the programming for your account.
It is not yet activated.
Please wait within 24 hours.
2:05 PMWould there be anything else I can help you with today?
2:05 PM
I haven't heard from you for a couple of minutes. Would you like me to keep this chat open?
2:06 PM
the tech is supposed to verify that i have a usable connection. before he leaves. it is not usable. can you verify that i will receive a proper routable ip address when your provisioning is complete?
2:07 PM
Please kindly wait for our technician to finished the report of your installation. And have the programming for your account. To enter into our system. It is not yet activated.
That is why it is on pending activation, as our technician still ON SITE status.
2:08 PM
Please wait within 24 hours.
Would you like me to assist you further anything from here?
that's funny. he is waiting for you, and you are waiting for him. please clarify.
I can only give update for your account.
2:09 PM
It is their job to finish the installation.
yeah, that's not what i said. he is waiting for for you and you are waiting for him.
The technician is still ONSITE and your account is still on the pending activation status.
I don't have direct order for our technician.
2:10 PM
The technician is still ONSITE and your account is still on the pending activation status.
I can only give update for your account.
Please kindly wait for our technician to finished the report of your installation. And have the programming for your account. To enter into our system. It is not yet activated.
Aside from this, would there be anything else?
2:11 PM
I haven't heard from you for a couple of minutes. Would you like me to keep this chat open?
2:12 PM
just spoke to the tech.
2:13 PM
What do you mean?
Hi Kelly, just checking. Are we still connected?
Josefina B
2:15 PM
i showed the tech our conversation.
he will close out the install without verification that it works. we have a signal and all, but i am not receiving a routable ip address.
2:16 PM
I know what you are pointing out.
We do not have direct orders for our technicians
2:17 PM
Hi Kelly, just checking. Are we still connected?
Josefina B
2:19 PM
yeah, not suggesting that. i am informing you that, pending your provisioning, i told the tech to close out the install and leave, even though i do not have a routable ip address. it is my understanding that you will then complete provisioning and i can finish my transition to fiber.
We do not have direct orders for our technicians
Our tech has its supervisor.
You are reporting here in chat that your newly install has no service.
The technician is still ONSITE and your account is still on the pending activation status.
2:20 PM
Here in our system.
i just received a message that installation is complete.
new install not working
Kelley • 3:59:32 PM
Here is your first message.
no, i did not tell you your newly install is no service, i said that the ip address you are assigning me is not routable.
2:21 PM
Kelly please speak first to our technician.
And as of now, your account is on pending status and the technician is ONSITE.
tech has left
And this is the latest for your account.
And please give time for our technician to finish their report.
2:23 PM
i received notice that installation is complete. tech has left. please complete provisioning. thank you.
Yes, And please give time for our technician to finish their report.
2:23 PM
As well as the programming for your account.
2:24 PM
Would there be anything else I can help you with today?
2:24 PM
I haven't heard from you for a couple of minutes. Would you like me to keep this chat open?
2:26 PM
no thx. i'll wait
You will wait here in chat?
Thank you for contacting Quantum Fiber. Have a nice day.
We wish you and your families the best of health during this time. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to serve you through Live Chat Support! If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us Quantum Fiber.
2:27 PM"